Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Emma's Dance Class

The "Turkey Dance"

Emma has been taking dance classes at the community center for a few months now.  I finally brought my camera last week and took a few pictures of her.  You can't see her face, sorry- I didn't want to get up and walk to the front of the room and distract all the little dancers.  

This particular week, when we arrived at the class, Emma noticed that all the other little girls had tutus on and she did not.  She got sad and tears started forming in her eyes (the things little girls get sad about!).  She wanted to go home to get her tutu, but I reminded her that she wore hers to bed the night before and peed in her bed, so her tutu was all wet with pee- that's why she couldn't wear it that day.  That didn't help, she was still sad.  The mom sitting next to me, noticed Emma's sadness over being the only one without a tutu and she offered Emma her daughter's skirt that she wore to class.  It looked just like a tutu and Emma didn't know the difference.  She slipped it on and ran out to the dance floor!  

Practicing their dance for the Christmas recital- it's December 7th if anyone wants to come!

Doing the turkey dance

Tap dancing- oh, how they love those LOUD tap shoes!

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